PATRONS ($1,000 and over)
Chris and Jennifer Butler & Family in honour of Lenora Butler
Lenora Butler in memory of Charles Butler
Marjorie Calla
Marlene Gage
Gillian Graham in honour of Elizabeth Morley
GHW Memorial Fund at Toronto Foundation
The Joan and Clifford Hatch Foundation
Lamb Foundation
Carolyn Langill in memory of Cathy Macdonald
Kristina Hunt and Jeffrey Ray
Elizabeth Morley
Noella Milne in honour of Elizabeth Morley
The Ryley Family Foundation
Natalie Shield
The Weppler Family Foundation
Rudolf Wittkopp in memory of Elizabeth
FRIENDS ($300 to $999)
Allison Butler in honour of Lenora Butler
The Coffey Family Foundation
Judy Farquharson
Margaret Fisher
Paul Huebener and May Ling Chan
Donalda Kelk
Bruce and Joanne Moyle
Helen Foss-Pollock
Katharine Rounthwaite
Fiona Rydholm
Donald Sinclair
Nancy Stephenson
Gail Todgham
Margaret Walker
Susan Woeller
JoAnne Willison
SUPPORTERS ($100 to $299)
Kathryn and Marc Bell
Kaye Beeston
Garry Beirne
Mary Brereton
In honour of Lenora Butler
Alwyn Cavell
Prue and Bruce Chambers
Suzanne Church
Jane Cobden
Josh Cobden in honour of Elizabeth Morley
Ester Cole in honour of Lenora Butler and Anat Cole's contributions to this wonderful educational program
Simone Cole
Tracy Cooper
Ross and Betty Cullingworth
George Currie
David Dobson
Jane Drake
Eleanor Fish in memory of Sue Corke
Cam Fellman
Mary Fisher
Joan Flood
Helen Foss-Pollock in honour of Bruce Gitelman’s 65th birthday
In memory of Bruce Grantier
Gary Halpenny
Patricia Hantke
Susan Howson
Lois King in memory of Danny King
In memory of Carol and Ernie Koch
Andrew and Susan Lipchak
Bernadette Lonergan in memory of Sue Corke
Janet Mairs in honour of Elizabeth Morley and all she does to help young people grow and succeed
Samuel McElrea in memory of Deni McElrea
Janet McKelvey in honour of Carolyn Langill
Moshe Micha
Sarah Mills
Alan Morson in memory of Flo Morson
Carol Mueller in memory of Sue Corke
Jennifer Nadler
Carolyn and Graham Northcott
Patricia Ootes
Manojkumar Patel
Katherine Peel
Bruce and Catherine Peer
An Richardson
Leslie Rose and Elizabeth Johnson in honour of Janis Rose
Jeff Rose
Shawna Sklar
Enid Slack
Antoinette Sorbara in honour of Liz Badali and Helen Foss-Pollock
Laurene Stevenson
Jennifer Thompson
Anne Trainor
Diana Tweedy
Eleanor Ward
JoAnne Willison in honour of Lenora Butler
JoAnne Willison in memory of Carol and Ernie Koch
Jane Wright
Pamela Anderson
Rosemary Antze
Eleanor Barker
Jerry Baum
Helen Black in memory of Sue Corke
Lee-Anne Black
David Boldovitch
Kathryn Colvin in honour of Elizabeth Morley for your nurturing work to improve the lives of children
Christine Creedon
Eric Epstein
Judy Fono
Margaret Garrett
Marina Emilova Georgieva
Helen Hegedus
Daisy Hunt
Naomi Joel in memory of Chuck Butler
Erika Krausz
Reg Lafontaine
Gail Lindsay
Bryna Levitin
Michael Levy in honour of Kristina Hunt
Janet MacRae
Judi McIntyre in memory of Elizabeth Wittkopp
Margaret McTaggert
Carolyn Mulligan in honour of Carolyn Langill
Marilyn Ray
Stephanie Schecter
Yvonne Stewart in memory of Chuck Butler in honour of Anat Cole
Lisa Wallenburg
Laurie Zeitz
Canada Revenue Agency Charitable Registration Number 82283 3109 RR0001
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