Mission and Objectives


To assist elementary public school grade one children (and occasionally grades 2 and 3) to develop a love of reading while helping them to achieve grade level reading skills.


  • To provide VRP in schools where more than half the children are below Board or regional averages on literacy measures
  • To work closely with school administration and staff both in selecting children for participation and in monitoring their progress
  • To provide volunteers to read individually with the selected students from early October until mid-May
  • To provide two half-hour one-to-one reading sessions per student per week until the child is reading at grade level
  • To recognize each participating child's accomplishment at academic year end
  • To encourage parents and other school community members to become VRP Community Volunteers to ensure VRP continuity in the school.
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  • 416-481-5369
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  • 9 Glenallan Road
    Toronto ON M4N 1G6

Canada Revenue Agency Charitable Registration Number 82283 3109 RR0001

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